Vertigo Film Fest
Vertigo Film Fest
Vertigo Film Fest
Vertigo Film Fest, Milano International Short Film Festival, alla sua terza edizione, è un festival annuale che si svolge a Milano.
Il Festival si focalizza esclusivamente sui cortometraggi, e ogni anno accoglie opere di Fiction, Documentario e Animazione provenienti da tutto il mondo.
Vertigo Film Fest – Milano International Short Film Festival, is an annual festival based in Milan, having reached it’s third edition this year. The Festival is exclusively focused on short films, receiving every year Fiction, Documentary and Animation short movies from all over the world.
The main objective of the festival is to make the screening of short films a moment of sharing, debate and exchange of opinions. For this purpose, we adobted an itinerant approch, having several screening events during the year in different places of the city , il Cinemino first.
Scaletta corti:
- ROY – Fiction
- SHERO – Documentario
- I PAPI – Animazione
- DON’T BE CRUEL – Fiction
- A WHALE’S SONG – Animazione